Friday, September 20, 2019

Elm Park School's Art Exhibition

Thank you for inviting us to your amazing Art Exhibition Elm Park School!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

ASL Hui 2019

ASL Hui 2019

Farm Cove Kāhui Ako hosted a two hour Across School Leaders Hui on 5 September at Elm Park School. 
The purpose was to connect and collaborate:
- To diffuse best practice across Kāhui Ako to raise positive outcomes for all our learners
- To develop collective efficacy of our leaders through purposeful collaboration 

Six Kahui Ako attended and shared three slides, they included  a brief introduction to their Kāhui Ako, 
What they have focused on, and what's gone well and what's been challenging.  Experience of Kāhui Ako ranges from 2 terms to 12 years.

Common themes came through, lots of focusing on the soft skills that support 'business as usual' (Literacy and Mathematics).  For example learner agency, wellbeing, oral language and transitions. 

Time spent building high trust relationships is well worth it and critical for establishing a high functioning
Kahui Ako. It was absolutely well worth to run this, to listen and validate our own journeys.  This Hui has resulted in commitments being made towards further collaboration between Kāhui Ako who share similar paths and goals.

Key takeouts:
  • Importance of being authentic
  • Adding value to our schools and communities
  • Getting outside our own CoL - other Kāhui Ako and other agencies e.g. DHB, etc
  • Sharing best practice i.e. Pockets of Promise
  • Secondary speaking to primary is a big step forward.  Having permission to access and be welcome in other schools promotes collaboration
  • Influencers and spreading influence